設計效能:It can repair telomeres in the pineal body or the nerve cell telomeres of the pineal structure to restore its normal contribution and standardization rate, which can be used to regulate the law of insomnia due to brain nerve damage or decline or reverse chaos in the pineal structure. Severe insomnia can be the first choice, tension insomnia, social fear insomnia, work stress insomnia first choice.
發明專利:Invention patent (Hong Kong Department of Health / USA Patent Office / Commonwealth / Madrid) filing level 5A. Collectively referred to as: a repair-type selective telomerase for telomeres of brain nerve cells in or with the structure of pine cones.
凈含量:The quantity is 189 tablets, 0.43 grams each.
食用方式:For more information on consumption and key points, please see the internal instructions.
成分公示:Deep-sea snail gene proteogen freeze-dried powder 9SN segment. Black enzyme activation in Kaiping fermentation by full enzymatic method. The fermentative body of melanase is tocopherol activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing selenium and micro-nanometer active magnesium.